
Change in the Editorial line. Ipê Agronomic Journal


Dear authors and users of Ipê Agronomic Journal,

Following the trend of scientific journals around the world, Cientific @ - Multiciplinary Journal announces that it will change its editorial line from “Periodical Publication†to “Continuous Publicationâ€.

This change will bring more agility to the editorial process, especially in the stage of publication of accepted papers.

In the continuous publication model, the need for all articles to be finalized before the publication of the edition is eliminated, that is, as the editorial process of an article is completed, it will be published immediately. And the full edition will be closed at the end of the period.

The journal continues to value the quality of the review process, which will not be changed, and the double review remains blind by trusted peers, with no conflicts of interest with the works they evaluate.

Read more about Change in the Editorial line. Ipê Agronomic Journal

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Ipê Agronomic Journal - ISSN: 2595-6906
					View Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Ipê Agronomic Journal - ISSN: 2595-6906

The Ipê Agronomic Journal is a scientific and academic journal that publishes works in the field of agricultural sciences. It is a publication dedicated to disseminating up-to-date and innovative knowledge in the area. With a biannual publication and continuous flow, we guarantee the speed in the dissemination of new studies and advances. Our articles are reviewed by experts and undergo rigorous evaluation processes before being published, guaranteeing the quality and credibility of the works presented. We believe that the exchange of knowledge is essential for the development of the field of agricultural sciences and, therefore, we encourage the participation of researchers, professionals and students interested in the subject. Join us in the quest for the advancement and development of agricultural sciences!

Published: 2023-02-10




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